Heavy Duty Wrecker |
Heavy Duty Wreckers: Brickara Custom Apparatus Tow Trucks
Crew: 2 Mechanics/Operators
Notes: These tow trucks have special hooks on them that correspond to tow hooks mounted on Brickara apparatus.
Medium Duty Wrecker |
Medium Duty Wreckers: Brickara Custom Apparatus Tow Trucks
Crew: 1 Mechanic/Operator Notes: These tow trucks have special hooks on them that correspond to tow hooks mounted
on Brickara apparatus.
Emergency Crew |
Emergency Crews: Brickara Custon Work Units
Crew: 2 Mechanics
Other: These units are used to work on fire apparatus at emergency scenes or on roads. The have lighting to protect
the vehicles and firefighters if they are brokendown on a roadway.
Shop Truck |
Shop Trucks: Brickara Custon Work Vans
Crew: 2 Mechanics
Other: These units are used to work on trucks at stations.
Fuel Tanker |
Fuel Tankers: Brickara Custon Diesel Fuel Tanker Units
Crew: 2 Mechanics/Operators Other: 2000 Gallon of Diesel Fuel - These unit are used to fuel apparatus at scenes
if needed. They have emergency lights so they can get to scenes quicker to fuel apparatus.
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